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TF2019: Race Day

We hope you are looking forward to tomorrow.  Thank you to all the parents and volunteers who helped mark courses today, move equipment all over Discovery Bay, organise and line up over 900 bikes and register the competitors.  We could not run this race without you.

We have maps of all three courses which will be made available to parents immediately AFTER the last team in the age group starts.  The menu for the maps can be found on the right hand side of the following page HERE.  The maps are currently password protected.  The passwords will be removed at the appropriate time.

Here is a quick rerun of tomorrow:

Directions to Discovery Bay International School Main Campus can be found HERE.  A map of the DBIS start area can be found HERE.

Remember your ankle tags and helmet timing tags – we have to change the whole team’s set if you forget yours.  A $100 donation to the charity box will be required for every forgotten ankle tag!  The helmet timing tags need to be position on the right hand side of the helmet, the ankle tag goes on the left ankle.

Don’t put anything in your backpack that can’t get wet.  For a reminder on what kit to bring/wear click HERE.

We will have an enquiry desk by the entrance to DBIS – please approach them with any problems.  If you have hired a helmet from Lung Kee you will be able to pick up it beside the enquiry desk.  Lung Kee are sending more helmets if you didn’t get the correct size this morning.

If you have any problems with missing kit or team-mates, please talk to the enquiry desk.

Dry bag drop will be in the Pagoda to the left of the entrance. The bags will be transferred up to the finish to the Enquiry desk there.

Racers will be filtered into the Race Area on the pitch from the bottom corner of the pitch.  Please approach the filter area close to the time of your age group’s deadline.  Here is a reminder of the timings:

Junior Registration
U11 registration 7:00 – 7.30 am
U10 registration 7:45 – 8.15 am
U9 registration 8:30 – 9.00 am

Intermediates/Seniors Registration
U19, U16 and U14 registration 7:00 – 7.30 am
U13 registration 7:30 – 8.00 am
U12 registration 8:00 – 8.30 am

Parents will not be allowed into the main registration area.

There are very limited toilet facilities at the start – please “go” before you arrive.

Also, don’t bring your golf carts to DBIS. There will be no parking available.  The small carpark beside Wei Lun will be for the use of the Catholic and Anglican church-goers only.

The finish is at the North Plaza as in previous years.  There will be a presentation at 2pm for the winners of the various categories.

Racer bikes will have been dropped close to the rugby pitch by the commercial centre on the other side of the road from the North Plaza.  Please pick up your bikes promptly.  Hire bikes will be picked up by Lung Kee.  If you have hired a helmet, please leave the  helmet with the enquiry desk at the finish.