People can volunteer by email or by registering at team-fear (under Marshal Volunteer)
First Aiders
If you have this skill set or relevant experience you can join our team of specialists who will be stationed at strategic locations on the route.
Photography and Videography
If you have a penchant for taking photos or videos please get in touch and support our team to help us capture this unique event.
Golf Karts & Drivers
We need volunteers who have access to a DB golf kart and who can help drive us to various parts of the course. This transport might be to help move the first aiders to the site or to help ferry our photo team or committee to different locations.
We will be contacting all volunteers again soon before the race to confirm your position and role. We will share the contact details of the Section Leader in charge of your area. Section Leaders will contact each of you beforehand and fill you in on exactly what is required and exactly where and when to meet up etc.
Notes for Volunteers
On race day, it is very important that you stay at your assigned positions until ALL the competitors pass AND you are relieved of duty by your Section Leader.
This is a critical safety responsibility and we cannot have a safe race if this does not happen.
Unfortunately, this may mean that some marshals will not make it back to the finish line in time to see their child cross the line. However, we do place a video camera and a photographer to capture all the competitors as they cross the finish line. This will be shared later.
Marshals must be in their positions before the first racers reach a section so you may have to set off early before the races have begun. Again your Section Leaders will brief you on this beforehand.
The success of this race and its excellent safety record to date is down to the large number of marshals and volunteers who help out.